
Proud to serve Southeast Baltimore

The Exchange Club of Highlandtown-Canton is a non-profit civic service organization of local professionals dedicated to serving our community in Southeast Baltimore.

We work in the spirit of exchange, without any expectation of reward or profit.


Members of the Club live in Southeast Baltimore, or were raised here. We are businesspeople, tradespeople and community leaders, educators, clergy, retirees, and more.

We have strong ties to Baltimore, and it is an honor to serve our city.

Events Calendar

teddy bear with holiday decorations

Fill the Square! Toy Drive

Locations throughout Southeast Baltimore

Our annual drive to collect toys for deserving children, culminating in a holiday celebration in O'Donnell Square. The toys are distributed locally by the Southeast Police Department.

boat decorated with holiday lights

Parade of Lighted Boats

Baltimore Harbor at Fells Point

Join the Exchange Club as we sail into the holidays! The Parade of Lighted Boats is an event organized by Sail Baltimore.

Patterson Park Observatory with lights

Winter Lights at the Observatory

Patterson Park Observatory

Join the Exchange Club at official start of the holiday season in Southeast Baltimore. Winter Lights at the Observatory is an event organized by the Friends of Patterson Park.

Young girl smiling at food drive event

The Joy of Giving


Provides dinner baskets to more than 200 families during the holidays.

Community Service

Each year, the Club organizes the following events.

$10,000 Scholarship for High School Seniors

A 4-year scholarship, awarded annually to a local high school student who lives in East or Southeast Baltimore.

50/50 Raffle

$10,000 in prizes and donations to police and firefigher funds

Back to School Night

Distributes school supplies to 300+ neighborhood children at Breath of God Lutheran Church

Annual Charity Bowling Tournament

The Club's major annual fundraiser, occurring each autumn

Citizen of the Year

Recognizing a local resident who has made a great contribution to the well-being of the community

Fill the Square Toy Drive

An annual drive to collect toys for needy children. The toys are distributed by the Baltimore City Police.

Public Safety Awards

Honoring police officers and a firefighter who have distinguished themselves during the preceding year

So Proudly We Hail

An annual event to salute people and organizations which proudly fly the American flag.

Taste of the Community! Raffle

Prizes of gift certificates from restaurants in Southeast Baltimore

See the complete list of our scholarship awardees

See the complete list of our public safety awardees

Club Leadership


Christian Bielski
Pastor Mark Parker
Michael Utech
Mary Eve Von Berger
Member at Large
Derek Smoot
Member at Large
Kevin Koenig
Member at Large
Jeff Amoros
Immediate Past President

Dues & Donations

Dues Subscription (annual or monthly options)

Payment Options

General Donation

Contact Us

To contact us, please email highlandtownexchange@gmail.com